Compostable plastics part of the answer to plastic waste

Plastics’ GHG emissions account for 5% of global carbon emissions, more than twice as much as air travel’s footprint.

With no plan in place to decarbonise the industry, we cannot possibly solely rely on recycling to solve the plastic waste problem. WRAP’s UK Plastics Pact set the ambitious target of 70% of packaging to be effectively recycled or composted by 2025.

The current collection and disposal system shows us that there is no silver bullet solution to plastic waste. We need a holistic approach that considers compostable plastics as part of the answer.

Biome Plastics Paul Mines discussed the issue at Westminster Energy Environment and Transport Forum and presented his roadmap to make compostables an integral part of the solution.

Biome Technologies plc is a growth oriented, commercially driven technology group. The Group’s primary activity is the development of its fast growing business in bioplastics. The Group comprises two divisions: Biome Bioplastics and Stanelco RF Technologies.

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