Diversified Energy reports significant reduction in Methane Emissions

Regional natural gas producer Diversified Energy continues to make strides in curbing methane emissions and in capping orphaned and end-of-wells, according to its 2023 Sustainability Report.

Diversified reduced its “methane intensity” by 33% from 2022, and by 50% from 2020, the report said.

Teresa Odom, senior vice president for sustainability, explained there are a couple ways to measure emissions reductions. One is absolute emissions. The other is intensity — gross emissions measured against gross production. “That really gives us a better perspective as to the work that we’re doing in our operations to really cut out our emissions, as compared to what we’re producing at the same time.”

Diversified Energy Company plc (LON:DEC) is an independent energy company engaged in the production, marketing, transportation and retirement of primarily natural gas and natural gas liquids related to its U.S. onshore upstream and midstream assets.

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