The board of Golden Saint Resources Ltd (LON:GSR) has today announced that Rock Forage Consulting Services (“Rock Forage”) has completed its second visit to the Golden Saint exploration licence areas in Sierra Leone. During the visit Rock Forage oversaw and advised on the implementation of the necessary improvements and modifications to the Explorer 1 (currently in Tongo), which involves the addition of a clay scrubber and a gold washing plant. The Golden Saint Sierra Leone team is now in the process of moving two of the Company’s gold washing plants to Tongo. One of these gold washing plants will be modified so that it functions as a clay scrubber and the other will be used to recover any gold that comes out with the gravel. It is anticipated that these machines will be fully operational before the end of the year. All necessary spares to maintain the running of the Explorer 1, the scrubber and the gold plant were purchased during Rock Forage’s visit. Rock Forage together with local Director, Mr Timothy Bangura, also inspected a floating dredge that was available for purchase for work on the river and the Company is expected to apply for a dredging licence to work on the river in 2016, following the anticipated renewal of the Group’s current exploration licences.
During the course of recent operations approximately 3.58 ounces of gold were recovered, which sold locally for 16,711,500 Sierra Leonean Leone (approximately £2,700).
Further to the Company’s announcement of 24 November 2015 the Company also announces that Stephen Ledger of Ledger Corporate Pty Ltd is to step down as the Company’s Company Secretary with immediate effect and that David McDonald, the Company’s Executive Chairman, is to act as the Company’s Interim Company Secretary while a suitable replacement is found.