What is Graft-versus-Host Disease?
Stem cell transplants can provide a cure for a number of blood disorders, cancers and other diseases.
However, no stem cell transplant is without risk.
One common complication, which can be fatal in extreme cases, is Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD)
GvHD occurs if the transplanted stem cells view the recipient’s body as foreign and attack it.
It is an autoimmune disorder which can occur at any time following a transplant. It can present itself immediately or days, months and years down the line.
Unlike a rejection, which occurs when the recipient of a transplant attacks the donor cells, in the case of GvHD the donated cells reject the host.
There are two forms:
- acute GvHD
- chronic GvHD
Everyone who undergoes a stem cell transplant should be aware of the symptoms and risks of GvHD.