Accenture’s 2017 Banking Technology Vision report explores the role of AI in banking and customer engagement. It found that 78 per cent of bankers believe AI will revolutionise the way banks gather information and interact with customers.
One of the key advantages highlighted was that whilst AI is increasingly automating customer interaction, it is also providing a more personalised experience.
Chatbots for example are being used by banks to handle routine enquiries and represent a more personalised experience than visiting the modern day substitute for branch banking, a website or app, where customers interact with layers of screens and drop-down menus instead of a person.
We asked MEF members and the wider business and technology community what they thought would be the impact of AI going forward. Here’s what they said…
Matt Hooper, SVP of Global Marketing at IMImobile
Traditional finance companies believe that 40% of their revenue is at risk due to emerging tech-savvy start-ups using the latest automation technology to strike a note with today’s consumers, according to recent research.