Becoming an engineer is one of the most rewarding if stressful, career choices a person can make. Whilst it will be a harsh and long road, most qualified engineers have never looked back.
There are very few other careers someone can choose that can match engineering for being both intellectually challenging and rewarding at the same time. It will not be a walk in the park, but as Theodore Roosevelt once said: “nothing worth having comes easy.”
Is engineering a good career?
Engineering has historically been one of the highest paying careers anyone can pursue. In many polls and surveys, engineering-related jobs still command some of the highest incomes of all.
Gattaca (LON:GATC) (formerly known as Matchtech Group) has grown into an international business with more than 800 staff around the world.
The Gattaca group of companies consists of a number of specialist recruitment brands including the UK’s number one engineering recruitment specialist (Matchtech) and a top five technology recruitment specialist (Networkers).