What constitutes a good leader? The response you might have received 10 or 20 years ago would have been very different to today’s answer. At Norman Broadbent we seek to answer this question every day as we work to identify, engage and assess those individuals who can help our clients take their business forward into 2019 and beyond.
So what does “Good” look like?
As you’d expect, it varies enormously. It changes from one client to another, from industry to industry, country to country, and even from division to division. In times of change within, say, a large organisation, it evolves as needs shift over time. A candidate rejected by one business due to perceived lack of impact and gravitas, for example, may be sought by another business where there is a “cultural fit” with the candidate’s collegiate, collaborative, non-hierarchical style. Nuances aside however, the following traits have formed the basis for many of our Searches across the Retail & Consumer Practice recently: