Minderoo Report
My attention has been drawn to a report commissioned by the Minderoo foundation in Australia. It runs to 286 pages and looks very impressive, but if you actually read the Report it tells us very little that we didn’t know before. We all know that the polymers which are used to make plastic products are made by the big oil and gas companies. We know who these companies are and we also know in general terms how they are financed. The supply-chain for short-life polymer products is also well understood.
However, the report seeks to fix responsibility upon all these companies and their bankers for what it calls a global plastic crisis. There seem to be three elements to this “crisis” in the opinion of the authors 1. the large amount of plastic waste littering the surface of the planet including the oceans 2. CO2 emissions caused by the manufacturer of polymers and 3. the consumption of fossil resources to make the polymer.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LON:SYM) is a world leader in the development of additives to make ordinary plastic biodegradable and protective technologies to enhance plastic products.