Natural Gas: A critical resource for global energy needs

Diversified Energy Company serves both domestic and global daily energy needs with reliable, efficient, abundant, clean and affordable natural gas. In 2021, six of the nine states in which we operate natural gas assets were the leading dry natural gas producers by volume for the U.S.

Natural gas is undoubtedly a critical resource in the foreseeable energy mix and will continue to play a vital role in our global and domestic energy supply as evidenced by policy developments under the European Taxonomy and the 2022 U.S. Inflation Reduction Act encouraging continued, responsible production of natural gas in support of sustainable investments and development. Simultaneously, given its focal position for supporting the world’s energy demand, natural gas contributes to a range of UN SDGs by addressing both sides of the dual challenge: providing clean energy while supporting sustainable global development through access to affordable and reliable energy.

We remain keenly aware of the balance between climate, energy security and sustainability. We know that natural gas can and must play a key role in the global economic transition to a lower-carbon economy, so we remain committed to our role as a responsible steward of the natural resources we manage, working to lower our operational carbon footprint.

Diversified Energy Company plc (LON:DEC) is an independent energy company engaged in the production, marketing, transportation and retirement of primarily natural gas and natural gas liquids related to its U.S. onshore upstream and midstream assets.

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