One Health Group CEO Adam Binns on progress and exciting future (VIDEO)

One Health Group PLC (AQSE:OHGR) CEO Adam Binns joins DirectorsTalk to discuss the company trading update for the year to 31 March 2024.

Adam discusses the company’s substantial progress over the past year, focusing on its achievements and future prospects in providing healthcare services under NHS contracts. The company’s continued revenue growth, driven by increased NHS patient numbers, and the significant extension of services to alleviate NHS waiting lists. He also elaborates on the strategic importance of recently secured five-year NHS contracts and how these long-term agreements bolster One Health’s capability and confidence to expand and invest in infrastructure. Also, Adam addresses potential impacts of national political changes on the NHS and the independent healthcare sector.

We conclude with insights into One Health’s strong financial position as an investment case, emphasising its capacity to generate and reinvest cash flow, thereby supporting growth and shareholder dividends.

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