Pre-operative assessment
Once the decision has been made to have a knee replacement you will need to attend a pre-operative assessment clinic. Here a registered nurse will give you information about what to expect during your stay in hospital. She will carry out blood tests and/or an ECG and may send you for X-rays. Don’t be alarmed if you need to undergo one or more of these investigations – they are done in your best interest, as the doctors need to know that you are physically able to cope with the surgical procedure.
It is very important to discuss any medication you are taking with the nurse. If you are taking blood-thinners you may need to discontinue them for some time before the operation as they can increase the risk of bleeding and can interfere with your surgery and recovery. You will probably be told not to take aspirin, ibuprofen and all herbal or homeopathic medicines for several days before your operation. You should take your normal medication up to and including the day of surgery unless you have been given specific instructions not to by your anaesthetist or surgeon.
One Health Group PLC (AQSE:OHGR) are a team of Consultant Surgeons and Healthcare managers working with the NHS to provide faster, local and expert care in Orthopaedics, Spinal, General Surgery and Gynaecology.