Part of our role as industry analysts at Fosway is to understand and make sense of the evolution of technology and ongoing shifts in the market. To that end, the Fosway 9-Grids™ were launched five years ago to much interest from e-learning buyers and providers alike. But the demands from learning technology market are changing. There remains sustained demand for technology-led learning solutions across Europe and beyond. However, the nature of the requirements is shifting. Providers now offer broader and broader solutions that include much more than e-learning alone. The impact of increasing in workplace, social and collaborative learning and focus on learner engagement mean that more and more buyers are looking for a complete digital learning experience.
As learning teams look to create greater ongoing engagement with learners, the focus on creating learning experiences – not just formal interventions – continues to increase. I wrote in a previous article about the PLASMA learning cycle and the importance of supporting learners with potentially shorter bursts of content or performance support, in a sustained way over a period of time. We are continuing to see the adoption of shorter learning bites (micro learning) and a move away from longer e-learning courses.