Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Look forward to the future with optimism

Strat Aero PLC (LON:AERO) Chairman Nigel Burton will make the following statement at today’s AGM The Company’s principal subsidiary, Geocurve Limited, is making excellent progress towards delivering the first phase


Drones cut time and risk for land surveyers

No longer just a hi-tech toy, drones are becoming an indispensable tool in helping understand the lay of the land. Surveyors said that unmanned aerial vehicles have become a common

Strat Aero Plc

How Drones Are Revolutionizing Agriculture

Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, have many uses across various industries. In particular, the agriculture industry has embraced the innovative technology to meet the high demands of the public and

Strat Aero Plc

Apple, Microsoft and Uber Test Drones Approved

Ten pilot projects have been given the greenlight for uses ranging from mapping and aircraft inspection to mosquito tracking and food delivery. Apple, Intel, Microsoft and Uber will soon start