Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Investment in Gyrometric Systems

Strat Aero PLC (LON:AERO) has today announced that it has signed a definitive Share Subscription Agreement for the acquisition of 37% of the enlarged share capital of Gyrometric Systems Limited

Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Update on Geocurve

Strat Aero PLC (LON:AERO) has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Geocurve Limited has been chosen as a leading supplier for Aerial Survey and Inspection by Aviva plc, the multinational


Strat Aero plc making rapid progress

Strat Aero plc LON:AERO have told DirectorsTalk the Board has made considerable and rapid progress on reducing costs whilst continuing to enhance the performance and prospects of Geocurve, its main

Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Board Changes

Strat Aero PLC (LON:AERO), an international aerospace company focused on the rapidly emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (‘UAV’) sector, has today announced the following board changes with immediate effect.   Dr

Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Appointment of Executive Director

Strat Aero plc (LON:AERO), an international aerospace company focused on the rapidly emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (‘UAV’) sector, has today announced the appointment of Mr Trevor Brown as an Executive

Strat Aero Plc

Strat Aero PLC Significant Reduction in Debt

Strat Aero PLC (LON:AERO), an international aerospace company focused on the rapidly emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (‘UAV’) sector, yesterday announced that it has signed a legally binding agreement (‘the Agreement’)