Are autonomous buildings on the horizon?

Autonomous buildings aim for a higher level of automation than smart buildings, optimizing environmental impact, enhancing comfort, and increasing security. Smart buildings seek to automate many operational aspects of running

The city of the future: Smart and social

Smart cities. This means things like urban planning, administration, energy supply, mobility, etc. are networked and work together, so to speak. Intelligent streetlights respond to movement, smart buildings help save

GSTechnologies well placed for the future

GSTechnologies Ltd (LON:GST) has announced the Company’s reviewed interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2020. Period Highlights ·    Revenue for H1 reduced to US$769,000 (H1 2019:US$2,594,000) due the impact

GSTechnologies appoints two new Executive Directors

GSTechnologies Ltd (LON:GST), the integrated information and communication technology infrastructure solutions provider, has announced the appointment of Mr Bai GuoJin and Mr Tan Guan Han, Shayne as Executive Directors of

GS Technologies

Biden administration to focus on smart buildings

President-elect Joe Biden has committed his administration to focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy — admirable goals to be sure. But the new Biden Administration must also focus on smart building