When the Oxford English Dictionary announced in 2016 that fintech was officially a word, it signalled the future of payments was finally here.
While innovation has always happened in the payments sector, it had suddenly become mainstream.
There has certainly been a very public revolution in payment methods in the years since the mid-noughties, when the UK was first introduced to chip and PIN.
Founded in 2003, Mi-Pay Group plc (LON:MPAY) delivers fully outsourced online and related payment and fraud management solutions to digital ecommerce clients, primarily in the mobile and digital content sector. Its product offering provides the infrastructure to enable pre-paid mobile devices to be topped up via a variety of channels such as websites, mobile applications and social media applications and customers include Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MNVOs), additionally managing and indemnifying the data security and payment fraud risks. Mi-Pay sells, integrates and operates its products and solutions on a global basis.