The number of jobs in the UK manufacturing sector has grown in six of eight English regions along with Wales.
According to Make UK, the figures also counter the long-held narrative of inevitable decline in manufacturing employment and show, as is happening in the US, that growing manufacturing jobs and the sector’s share of the economy is a realistic prospect given a supportive policy framework.
The findings come in the Make UK/BDO Annual Manufacturing Outlook Report which provides a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of manufacturing to each English region and devolved Nation. It analyses a number of metrics including industry’s share of regional and national economies, number of jobs and share of regional/national employment, together with sectoral analysis.
Accrol Group Holdings plc (LON:ACRL) is the UK’s leading independent tissue converter, producing toilet tissue, kitchen towel, facial tissue and biodegradable wet wipes. The UK soft tissue market is worth £1.6bn with private label products comprising circa 50%. Accrol is the leading supplier to the private label market, which is growing at over 8% year on year.