French Protests – Protests from the French labour unions showed no sign of coming to an end this week, as protestors continued to disrupt the flow of activity throughout Paris. Threats of continued chaos during the Christmas period were made in retaliation to President Emmanuel Macrons attempts to reform pension system for transport system employees. French retailers and hoteliers have warned that their crucial Christmas season could be derailed if the transport strike drags on for much longer. Problems continued to mount for President Macron, as his point man leading the negotiations resigned on Monday, following news that he had failed to report multiple side jobs. Recent consumer spending data for November has highlighted the effect the protests could continue to have on the European economy.
US President Donald Trump’s Impeachment – Lawmakers gathered in the wall of the chamber much like their predecessors did before Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998) were both impeached. The vote resulted in President Donald Trump being impeached on charges of abuse of power and obstructing congress. House speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to the president as “an ongoing threat to our national security”. The senate will hold a trial in the early stages of 2020, where they will discuss whether the president should be convicted and removed from office. Trump responded at a rally in Michigan this week, accusing Democrats of “deep hatred and disdain for the American voter”.