Why Solid State Batteries will change EVs for the future

Electric vehicles have only a few main drawbacks, but the use of solid-state battery technology will revolutionize their usability completely.

The rest of the world has embraced electric cars much faster than America – especially in Europe. This is primarily because range anxiety is less of an issue in most other countries. The entire country of Norway, for example, where EVs are extremely popular, is smaller than California and has short commutes. Combine the American affinity for long-distance road trips with longer commutes, and it’s no wonder people in the U.S. are clinging to their farther-reaching gas-powered cars.

The time it takes to sufficiently charge even the most advanced EVs is another obstacle for would-be buyers. Soon though, these fears will be quelled by solid-state battery technology – a game-changer for powering electric vehicles. 

Ilika plc (LON:IKA) is a pioneer in solid state battery technology enabling solutions for applications in Industrial IoT, MedTech, Electric Vehicles and Consumer Electronics.

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