It has undeniably been the most unnerving week in UK politics since the week following the Brexit referendum, when the British electorate unexpectedly rejected the EU status quo. Representatives of both sides have finally agreed on a withdrawal agreement that lays out how to achieve a least disruptive Brexit as possible, that doesn’t throw both sides into economic turmoil. And it’s sent both ends of the UK’s Brexit spectrum screaming in disgust.
So, is this a true compromise, which makes neither side happy? Or, it is dawning on the Brexiteers that the whole ‘cake and eating it’ idea really has no chance of becoming reality and instead of owning up to the blunder they have returned to their cloud-cuckoo-land in which this is simply the wrong Brexit plan? The Remainers on the other hand see the turmoil of the “Brexit means Brexit” government as their chance to reverse the referendum outcome and return to the safety of the old status quo.