The highest level of oil and gas business confidence since 2013 is seeing recruitment rise among contractors, according to a new survey.
Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce (AGCC) found a fifth of firms had increased their UK-based workforce by more than 10 percent in the past year.
And a third predicted the trend would continue in 2019.
The 29th Oil and Gas survey was conducted by the Fraser of Allander Institute and involved 115 firms.
It found 63 percent of contractors were more confident about their current UK Continental Shelf activities.
Union Jack Oil (LON:UJO), The directors believe that significant opportunities exist to invest in, or acquire, a company or companies or businesses or assets in the hydrocarbon sector.
The investment strategy will have a heavy emphasis on acquiring late stage exploration projects where planning consent has been approved for drilling wells and to acquire minority production working interests onshore and/or offshore in the UK.