Will 2023 see a rise of best-of-breed BSS, or is best-of-suite still the best way forward for telcos? Richard Doughty weighs up the benefits and drawbacks of each approach for telcos looking to give their backend a new year revamp.
The decision on whether to move to a best-of-suite solution for telecoms BSS or shoulder the integration of a best-of-breed approach is a discussion that has re-emerged as a result of the success of generic SaaS platforms which are now being packaged specifically for telcos.
After years of widespread, large-scale integration failures, the telecoms industry saw a general move to best-of-suite solutions, and all the main BSS vendors adopted that approach, to one degree or another. But now, best-of-breed is back in vogue, with specialist CRM, billing, catalogue, fulfilment and charging vendors offering their wares in the cloud.
Cerillion plc (LON:CER) is a leading provider of billing, charging and customer management systems with more than 20 years’ experience delivering its solutions across a broad range of industries including the telecommunications, finance, utilities and transportation sectors.