Tirupati Graphite has provided an update on operations at its Vatomina & Sahamamy flake graphite projects in Madagascar and announces that it has successfully achieved commercial production of 97% pure flake graphite from its Vatomina project in Madagascar.
High purity commercial production of flake graphite
- Producing high grade, jumbo flakes is technically challenging but provides new opportunities;
- Certain specialist markets require high-grade flake graphite which commands premium prices;
- TG’s first container of 97% jumbo flake graphite >50 mesh size has now been produced for a German manufacturer of speciality graphite products;
Tirupati Graphite PLC (LON:TGR) is a fully integrated specialist graphite and graphene producer, with operations in Madagascar and India. The Company is delivering on this strategy by being fully integrated from mine to graphene. Its global multi-location operations include primary mining and processing in Madagascar, hi-tech graphite processing in India to produce specialty graphite, and a state-of-art graphene and technology R&D center to be established in India.