Tirupati Graphite, a prominent London-based graphite producer, released its six-month performance report, showcasing remarkable progress in its projects across Mozambique and Madagascar. The company has achieved substantial growth, reflecting its dedication to the graphite industry.
Impressive Production and Revenue Surge
In the report detailing its activities from April to September, Tirupati Graphite celebrated a substantial 160% increase in production. Output surged from 1,731 tonnes during the same period the previous year to an impressive 4,508 tonnes. This spike in production translated to a significant boost in revenue, with figures more than doubling. The company’s revenue soared from £1.2 million (approximately $1.45 million) to an impressive £3.1 million.
Tirupati Graphite PLC (LON:TGR) is a fully integrated specialist graphite and graphene producer, with operations in Madagascar and India. The Company is delivering on this strategy by being fully integrated from mine to graphene. Its global multi-location operations include primary mining and processing in Madagascar, hi-tech graphite processing in India to produce specialty graphite, and a state-of-art graphene and technology R&D center to be established in India.