Malaysia’s energy solutions provider T7 Global has unveiled its new mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) at a grand naming ceremony held at the grounds of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Beihai Shipyard in Qing Dao, China. This MOPU, which represents the Malaysian player’s first foray into Thai waters, will now embark on a journey to the Gulf of Thailand, where it will work at an offshore oil field.
Recently, Valeura Energy outlined its plans for 2024, which entail a drilling program across multiple offshore fields in the Gulf of Thailand to boost production. At the time, the firm anticipated transporting the MOPU to the Nong Yao field in February 2024, where it would be connected by pipeline to the existing field infrastructure to serve as the wellhead production platform for the Nong Yao C field extension.
Valeura Energy Inc (TSX:VLE) is an upstream oil & gas company, with a clear strategy to add value for shareholders. The Company has a strong balance sheet positioning it for potential inorganic growth opportunities in the near/medium-term, and substantial longer-term upside potential through an operated deep, tight gas play.