What defines the modern workplace?
No matter what the scope of your business, or the sector you operate in, it is certain that your employees lead digital lives – and they expect the same tools, processes and approach in the workplace.
They expect information at their fingertips, and productivity tools to be available anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, flexible and remote working practices are the new normal, so deploying technology which enables your staff to fit their working practices around their busy lives is a must.
The digital era is impacting on workplaces in terms of data management too. Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the sheer scale of Big Data, never have businesses been able to
collect so much information from across their infrastructure. However, processing and harnessing that information is another matter. It needs to be transformed into tangible business insights – and then actions.
Adept4 delivers IT as a Service to small and medium-sized businesses across the UK. ITaaS provides you with exactly the amount of technology to support your need in accordance with business requirements, billed on a monthly basis, based on what is consumed. As of 1st March 2018, MXC Capital Limited holds a 25% share in Adept4 plc.