Alien Metals Ltd (LON:UFO), a minerals exploration and development company, has announced its subsidiary company Iron Ore Company of Australia has executed Heritage Agreements with the Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC associated with two exploration licences and one miscellaneous licence for its 90% owned Hancock Iron Ore Project, in the Pilbara Region, Western Australia.
· IOCA has entered into the HPAs with KNAC for exploration licence applications E 47/4817, E 47/5001, and Miscellaneous Licence application L 47/1063 at the Hancock Project (“the Licences“).
· The Nyiyaparli native title determination spans the Hancock Project and associated tenements, which have significant potential for additional iron ore discoveries (AIM: 2 August 2023).
· The HPAs are a critical step in the Company’s engagement with Nyiyaparli Traditional Owners in relation to the Hancock Project and their endeavours for long-term collaboration, cooperation and agreed protection measures for areas of cultural importance to Nyiyaparli people and inter alia provide the basis for the Company undertaking the required heritage surveys.
· The HPAs provide for the grant of the Licences without objection by native title parties, including the withdrawal of existing objections as well as mechanisms for engagement with the Nyiyaparli People and the conduct of heritage surveys.