The flake graphite market is diverse as it is an essential and irreplaceable material in many industries.
Many parts of the world are net importers of flake graphite like India, USA, Europe and Japan. The EU and USA have classified the material as a critical resource.
Due to our experience in the industry, Tirupati has a strong reliable reputation and relationship with an international network of customers and partners with extensive market reach. Further, as seen on the map, Madagascar is very well placed on the globe to serve all these markets.
Tirupati Graphite PLC (LON:TGR) is a fully integrated specialist graphite and graphene producer, with operations in Madagascar and India. The Company is delivering on this strategy by being fully integrated from mine to graphene. Its global multi-location operations include primary mining and processing in Madagascar, hi-tech graphite processing in India to produce specialty graphite, and a state-of-art graphene and technology R&D center to be established in India.