Field development & appraisal steps up in Trinidad & Tobago

Canadian independent Touchstone Exploration is following up on its Royston sweet oil discovery onshore Trinidad & Tobago with a side-track of the 2021 find.

London-listed Touchstone will drill the Royston-1X side-track with the Star Valley Rig 25, which is being mobilised to the Ortoire block.

The sidetrack is expected to be drilled to a depth of 11,300 feet to target accumulations in the Middle Miocene Herrera overthrust, intermediate and sub-thrust sheets.

It follows up the Royston-1 exploration well, drilled two years ago, which identified 1000 feet of the Herrera section and encountered light, sweet crude oil although it was apparently drilled as a deep gas target. Wireline logs indicate approximately 700 feet of gas, according to Touchstone’s website.

Touchstone Exploration Inc (LON:TXP) is a Canadian-based, international upstream oil and gas company currently active in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Primera Oil and Gas is the Trinidadian subsidiary of Touchstone.

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