Gray International has unveiled its latest luxury cases for iPhone X, XS, and XS Max. Made from titanium, the new Alter Ego Collection is available in four finishes and focuses on a unique design, at what seems like the expense of practicality.
Gray has switched things up with its case design this year with the new X-frame style Alter Ego. The previously released Advent case offers a more traditional design, but with a similarly high price tag.
Alter Ego is made from aerospace grade titanium which is then mechanically finished in either black, gold, aurora, or a natural titanium (silver). A unique design is certainly what the company was going for, even if it looks impractical from an ergonomic and day-to-day use perspective.
Bluejay Mining PLC (LON:JAY) is dual listed on the London AIM Market and Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S5WA) and is primarily focussed on advancing the Dundas Ilmenite project, an advanced stage ilmenite project in Greenland into production in 2018. Ilmenite is a black iron-titanium oxide with a chemical composition of FeTiO3. Ilmenite is the primary ore of titanium.