Steel is a really nice material for making a bicycle frame, but for many cyclists, titanium is an even nicer choice. Titanium was once a very rare and exotic material and a luxury choice for those rich enough to afford it – titanium is notoriously difficult to work with – the cost of a titanium frame has dropped significantly in recent years, to the point where it could almost be deemed, if not affordable, at least a viable alternative to top-end steel and carbon fibre frames.
Bluejay Mining (LON:JAY) is dual listed on the London AIM Market (JAY) and Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S5WA) and is primarily focussed on advancing the Dundas Ilmenite project (previously known as the Pituffik Titanium Project) an advanced stage ilmenite project in Greenland into production in 2018. Dundas is the highest-grade mineral sand ilmenite project globally, and with just ~17% of the raised beach area having been assessed the true scale of this deposit is only just emerging. With a world-class quality resource already established, and signification expansion potential identified, the Board is confident that Dundas Ilmenite Project is capable of supporting an operation of considerable mine life as well as having extensive exploration potential.