Innovative approaches to utilities management

Efficient utilities management goes beyond merely reducing costs and conserving energy. The conservation of vital natural resources like gas and water is equally crucial for the future of our planet. CyanConnode’s Omnimesh smart metering solutions leverage future-proofed, scalable Narrowband RF mesh technology, offering comprehensive control over gas and water supplies. This technology allows for precise and secure monitoring and management without necessitating expensive site visits. Adjustments to tariffs and schedules can be made remotely, and there is even an option for prepayment facilities.

The RF module, embedded with smart software, enables secure bi-directional communication with excellent range and penetration. It is designed to be highly energy-efficient, boasting ultra-low power consumption that ensures effective operation for several years using just four AA batteries. Remote meter readings can be conducted at scheduled intervals or on demand, and supplies can be disconnected or reconnected quickly and cost-effectively from a distance.

Integrated fault monitoring and diagnostics systems offer event and alarm reporting, allowing for swift resolution of maintenance issues. Additionally, there is a messaging feature for relaying information to end users.

CyanConnode’s modules are designed for easy integration into existing gas or water meter designs, equipped with sensors that provide electronic usage markers. This technology is versatile and universally compatible, featuring a single PCB unit (with or without an LCD display) that can be configured to meet different regional requirements and languages. Omnimesh smart gas and water meters are designed using logical low-power algorithms to minimise wireless operation, employing ‘Wake on Radio’ functionality. This feature not only facilitates efficient data transfer to and from the meters but also enables new, replacement, or ‘orphaned’ meters to be seamlessly reintegrated into the existing network.

CyanConnode Holdings plc (LON:CYAN) is a world leader in the design and development of Narrowband RF mesh networks that enable Omni Internet of Things (IoT) communications. 

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