Primera Oil awarded onshore bid-round block

Primera Oil and Gas Ltd, a subsidiary of Touchstone Exploration, has announced its success in the onshore and nearshore bid rounds opened in June last year.

In a media release on Touchstone’s website the company said it was notified on Monday that it had been awarded the Cipero onshore block in south central Trinidad. Its bid on the Charuma block – a 72,784 gross acre block in central Trinidad – did not meet the technical requirements for granting a licence, but the government authorised the Energy Ministry to improve the minimum work programme for the possible grant of an exploration and production licence.

The Cipero block has a gross acreage of 29,924 and is considered a strategic area for the company, given its proximity to the Rio Claro and Ortoire block. 

Touchstone Exploration Inc (LON:TXP) is a Canadian-based, international upstream oil and gas company currently active in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Primera Oil and Gas is the Trinidadian subsidiary of Touchstone.

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