Motivated by its highly successful installation of Dialight industrial LED lighting at its brand-new terminal in 2016, the Rubis Group Rotterdam Terminal has committed to full conversion to LED lighting throughout its facility. So far, the company has seen reductions in emissions and energy costs, as well as long-term fixture reliability, less maintenance and improvements in visibility and safety.
Dialight: A Proven Winner
In gas and oil facilities, safe, effective and reliable lighting is a top priority. In addition to fixtures that meet hazardous certification requirements, facilities need dependable lighting that can withstand the harsh vibration and corrosive environment in order to provide a safer environment for workers. For Rubis Terminal, efficiency and sustainability are also primary concerns with both corporate and governmental mandates requiring energy-efficient and low-emission operations.
Dialight plc (LON:DIA) is the world leader in LED industrial lighting technology with millions of LED fixtures installed worldwide.