As a wise frog puppet once said: “It is not easy being green.”
Kermit wasn’t wrong, but as environmental awareness spreads, it is however certainly getting easier. Indeed, whether you live in a town or the countryside, following some simple steps (along with some bigger ones, practicalities and budget permitting) could turn your home from a fuel-guzzling glut of greenhouse gases, into something approaching more of an environmentalist’s Eden.
Be more switched on about energy efficiency
As for reducing your home’s energy usage – and bills – slightly cooling your water is a good start, but we’re betting you can manage a degree off your radiators too. Insulation is the word of the day: The more heat stays within your home, the less your heating system has to work overtime.
Arrange an annual home energy audit to pick up on any cracks or fractures in your brickwork that might be leaching precious degrees into the outdoors. Windows are a common culprit: Double glazing provides a formidable defence against heat loss, while for the unclothed window, a simple set of curtains works wonders for heat retention too.
Safestyle UK PLC (LON:SFE) have been manufacturing and installing affordable, high quality, energy efficient and secure windows and doors for homeowners across England and Wales for over 20 years.