In an era where every old video game is being remastered, where every installment of every franchise is brought back to life through the power of nostalgia. Brace yourselves for a game inspired by all those other old games, in which you get to punch a ball of ramen noodles and a one-eyed crab in the guts.
Pass the Punch comes to us from Sumo Digital, a UK studio that has a had a hand in some notable releases over the past year, such as Team Sonic Racing and Crackdown 3. The game started out in life as a submission to an in-house studio game contest.
Sumo Digital, part of the Sumo Group PLC (LON:SUMO) is an award-winning business providing creative and development services to the video games and entertainment industries, from studios in Sheffield, Newcastle, Nottingham, Pune (India) and Vancouver (Canada).