The month of VAPRIL. VApril is a month dedicated to helping smokers choose the right vaping device, flavours and nicotine strengths that will give them the best chance to wave goodbye to smoking and join the circa 2.4m of vapers who can now call themselves former smokers.
Whether you’re a first-time vaper or a smoker who has never given it a go, VApril provides a range of advice and resources to help you make a life changing switch to vaping. Supreme offers a wide range of vaping products to help your customers make the jump. This also falls in line with the governments announcement to swap to stop.
New partnership with SESAME STREET
Introducing our new Kids Multivitamin Gummies in partnership with Sesame Street!
Sugar-free and vegan-friendly, our expert formula is designed for children aged 4+, with 8 essential vitamins providing support for their immunity, growth and development.
Supreme plc (LON:SUP) is Europe’s leading manufacturer, brand owner, licencee and distributor of batteries, lighting, vaping and light fittings. We are also a leading name in sports nutrition, wellness and household products.