Team Internet plc

Understanding and combating DNS abuse

In our progressively interconnected global landscape, the domain name system (DNS) plays a pivotal role as the bedrock of the internet’s functionality. It furnishes users with easily comprehensible addresses, enabling

Team Internet plc

Streamlining domain portfolio management

Managing a portfolio of domains through various registrars can be a cumbersome task, consuming significant time and money. This complexity often hinders productivity and prevents teams from focusing on more

Team Internet plc

The importance of Online Business in today’s world

In today’s business landscape, having an online presence is crucial for any active company. The pandemic has further highlighted the significance of this industry. Companies that already had online stores

Team Internet plc

CentralNic leading the charge in Domain Reselling

Welcome to the ‘Meet the Team’ series at CentralNic Reseller. We begin with an introduction to Johannes Steck, the head of our Reseller Division. Johannes’s leadership has been pivotal across