Time Finance plc (LON:TIME), the AIM listed specialist finance provider, has announced that it was notified on 11 November 2022 that Ron Russell, a Non-Executive Director of the Company, purchased 344,821 ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the capital of the Company on that same day at a price of 17.4 pence per Ordinary Share.
As a result of this purchase of Ordinary Shares, Ron Russell is now interested in an aggregate of 11,322,788 Ordinary Shares, representing 12.2% of the Company’s issued ordinary share capital.
Time Finance’s core strategy is to focus on providing or arranging the finance UK SMEs require to fund their businesses. It offers a multi-product range for SMEs including asset, vehicle, loan and invoice finance. While primarily an ‘own-book’ lender the Group does operates a ‘hybrid’ lending and broking model enabling it to optimize business levels through market and economic cycles.