Touchstone Exploration has hit its forecasted gas production volumes at the onshore Cascadura field in Trinidad and Tobago, the Canadian independent announced on Monday.
The field located on the 181-square-kilometre Ortoire block began production earlier this month and has now hit predicted production rates of 1.7 mcm (60 mcf) per day of gas from two wells.
The Cascadura-1ST1 well is currently producing around 1.13 mcm (40 mcf) of gas per day and the Cascadura Deep-1 well is producing around 566,000 cubic metres (20 mcf) of gas per day.
Touchstone Exploration Inc (LON:TXP) is a Canadian-based, international upstream oil and gas company currently active in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Primera Oil and Gas is the Trinidadian subsidiary of Touchstone.