If you find yourself saying ‘I’m feeling heaviness in my throat’ or ‘I am unable to breathe’ soon after a meal, it may be because of the food you had earlier. Food allergies are very common and according to some studies they can be found in 6-8 per cent of kids and 3 per cent adults. Food allergy occurs when the immune system triggers a defence response to otherwise harmless food that results in making you feel sick.
The immune system perceives some harmless proteins in the food as dangerous and releases response to fight the same. The protective measures include releasing chemicals which lead to inflammation, rashes etc. The common symptoms of an allergy include feeling itchy, stomach pain, difficulty in breathing, vomiting and swelling in throat and tongue. You can either develop these conditions soon after consuming certain food items or a few hours later.
Allergy Therapeutics plc (LON:AGY) is a market-leading, pioneering immunology business with specialist experience in the research and development of allergy treatments.