Allergy Therapeutics Plc (LON:AGY) lead medical writer and principal scientist Dr Matthew Heath provides DirectorsTalk with some background to the company, shares his thoughts on the 93p per share valuation from Hardman & Co, benefits of attending the World Vaccine Congress in Madrid and brings us up to date on the US FDA trials.
Allergy Therapeutics Plc provide information to healthcare professionals about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic conditions with a special focus on allergy vaccination (also known as specific immunotherapy or desensitisation therapy). Allergy vaccination is a successful treatment that deals with the underlying cause of allergies and not just the symptoms! Allergy Therapeutics has a long-term commitment to the development of innovative therapies for allergy treatment and allergy prevention. The company aim is to create a sustainable, fast-growing and profitable European pharmaceutical business with a substantial franchise in the allergy sector. They will achieve this by developing innovative, patented, registered aluminium-free therapies for both the treatment and prevention of allergy-related conditions.