If you are planting trees in your garden or in an open area that wildlife will have easy access to, it is important to consider using tree shelters. However, the benefits of tree shelters stretch much further than just protecting against wildlife.
Increased survival rates
Tree shelters create an optimal microclimate for your tree when applied, and that in turn not only boosts your trees survival rate but also helps them thrive in their growing conditions. The tree shelters will defend against adverse weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy rainfall or hailstones, minimising the risk of environmental damage to your trees when they are in their most vulnerable fledgling state. CO2 and moisture levels are also moderated and delivered in a healthy manner to further boost the survival rates of your trees, as are light levels and air movement. All these factors culminate in a more cost-effective project for you as you won’t need to worry about replacing damaged trees!
Biome Technologies plc (LON:BIOM) Biome Bioplastics and Suregreen partnered to create biodegradable tree shelters. The Vigilis Bio tree shelters are made from biodegradable biomaterials and have specifically been designed to guard and protect the first 5-7 years of a tree’s life. They then slowly fragment into small pieces that completely biodegrade in the span of two years, leaving only CO2, water and a few naturally occurring minerals.