The Challenge
Much of the Broughton Estate has been grazed by sheep for many years, but with the owner wanting to ‘re-wild’ large parts of the estate – allowing deer, rabbits, and hares to move freely amongst newly planted woodland – the saplings were considered to be in urgent need of secure protection from browsing.
Funding from the White Rose Forest Partnership was awarded partly in order to help deliver on the government’s stated objective of becoming ‘carbon neutral’ by 2050, and partly to help to slow rainfall run-off into rivers such as the Aire, which in the past has caused catastrophic flooding in cities such as Leeds and Bradford. Speed of tree establishment, as well as reliable protection from browsing animals, were, therefore, crucial factors.
Biome Technologies plc (LON:BIOM) Biome Bioplastics and Suregreen partnered to create biodegradable tree shelters. The Vigilis Bio tree shelters are made from biodegradable biomaterials and have specifically been designed to guard and protect the first 5-7 years of a tree’s life.