A significant achievement in the realm of renewable energy unfolded on Monday, June 19, 2023, as the Eden Project in Cornwall witnessed the inauguration of the United Kingdom’s first operational deep geothermal heating plant since 1986. Commencing its operations, the plant is now actively generating heat, marking a landmark moment for sustainable energy.
The extensive drilling process into the granite foundations beneath the renowned Biomes at the Eden Project was completed in 2021. Subsequently, Eden Geothermal Ltd (EGL) finalized the construction of the heat main and plant, positioning itself to provide heat to the Eden Project and its newly established cutting-edge nursery, Growing Point.
Expressing his enthusiasm, Gus Grand, the CEO of EGL, emphasized the significance of this achievement for both Eden Geothermal and the broader renewable energy landscape in the UK. While acknowledging the relatively slower progress of heat technologies compared to advancements in electricity generation and transportation, Grand highlighted the potential of geothermal energy. Its utilization, characterized by minimal surface impact, extends to urban areas and offers immense benefits to large institutions such as factories, hospitals, universities, and schools.
Enteq Technologies plc (LON:NTQ) develops and supplies equipment for Measurement, Logging and Geo-steering while drilling of wells for the Geothermal, Oil and Gas markets.