As we learn more and increasingly adopt the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how much do we really know about where it came from – and what it can do for us?
1. AI: is not new
The first piece of AI, the artificial neuron, was developed in 1943 by scientist William McCulloch and logician Walter Pitts. By 1950, Alan Turing was asking the question, “Can machines think?” in his seminal paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Since then, many machines have strived to pass the Turing Test, and although a chatbot called Eugene Goostman managed to convince a third of the panel that it was a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy in 2014, many would argue that the spirit of Turing’s assessment was not met and, that machines are not really thinking, yet. However, they have come a long way, and AI offers powerful tools that many leaders are seeking to utilise in the twin quest for commercial success and operational excellence.
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