he transition of oil and gas to deep geothermal is one that requires radical transformation of paradigms, business models, and policies. However, it is also one that is inevitable with effects of climate change becoming more dangerous and unpredictable, prompting a more drastic response to reduce CO2 emissions as the world nears the imminent tipping point.
Given the challenges of energy transition, Europe is optimally positioned to lead this movement by implementing political and economic policies that will incentivize oil and gas companies to leave fossil fuels behind and make the transition to deep geothermal. This is the proposal made by the author of this guest article, Henning von Zanthier.
Henning von Zanthier is the founding Partner of VON ZANTHIER & DACHOWSKI with offices in Berlin, Germany and Poznan, Poland. Following his legal studies in Germany, France and United States he was admitted in 1991 to the Berlin Bar. He founded his law firm in Berlin in 1992. In 1995 he established the first German linked law firm in Poznan.
Enteq Technologies plc (LON:NTQ) develops and supplies equipment for Measurement, Logging and Geo-steering while drilling of wells for the Geothermal, Oil and Gas markets.