How is automation reshaping the retail industry?

The retail sector has undergone a remarkable change in recent years. With the pandemic accelerating the shift towards online commerce and bringing in a wave of technological transformation, brick-and-mortar stores have been severely impacted. Even businesses that were modeled around online retail have witnessed numerous challenges. Rapidly evolving customer expectations and increasing demand for prompt, high-quality service from both online and offline businesses have put enormous pressure on the retail sector to adapt to change rapidly. This is where automation comes in!

The retail industry’s playing field has changed because to automation, which now makes it possible for it to thrive and get through challenges rather of just being a nice-to-have. Retailers can react to changing consumer behaviour by deploying a moderate level of automation in their physical stores, administrative offices, and warehouses. Investment in automation solutions is crucial since doing away with manual processes may boost output, save expenses, and improve client experiences.

itim Group plc (LON:ITIM) is a SaaS-based technology company that enables store-based retailers to optimise their businesses to improve financial performance and effectively compete with online competitors. Itim adds retail value by helping multi-channel retailers optimise their business and their stores to improve financial performance and compete more effectively with the “Amazons”.

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