The present Indian market consists of all the perfect constituents to provide a better-than-average viewing experience for people who like to sit at home and enjoy their favourite movies, sports, or shows. Along with within-budget internet connectivity, affordable smart TVs, and a burst of numerous OTT daises, the way we perceive TV has completely transformed.
From the time when the first television set was designed by engineer John Logie Baird in 1930 to the current time (2022) when TV designs have been honed by changing the shape from bulky to sleek and the entire size from large to small, TV viewing experience has come a long way. However, since the infusion of brands is rising with each year passing by, the ..the market is seeing lesser success concerning companies making it big in the television industry.
Nanoco Group PLC (LON:NANO) leads the world in the research, development and large-scale manufacture of heavy metal-free nanomaterials for use in displays, lighting, vertical farming, solar energy and bio-imaging.