As the push for sustainability grows, grocery retailers are increasingly prioritizing reducing food waste. Technological advancements have provided innovative solutions to this issue, offering data-driven approaches that optimize operations and minimize waste. This article explores the intersection of technology and food waste reduction in grocery retail, emphasizing the benefits and potential of leveraging these tools.
The scope of food waste in grocery retail
Food waste poses a significant challenge to grocery retail, with extensive environmental, social and economic consequences. It leads to the waste of valuable resources used in production and generates greenhouse gas emissions when disposed of in landfills.
itim Group plc (LON:ITIM) is a SaaS-based technology company that enables store-based retailers to optimise their businesses to improve financial performance and effectively compete with online competitors. Itim adds retail value by helping multi-channel retailers optimise their business and their stores to improve financial performance and compete more effectively with the “Amazons”.